World Mental Health Day 2023

World Mental Health Day is today, 10th October 2023.   

It's a day to raise awareness of mental health problems.  More and more of us are aware of mental health but so many aren't getting the right support needed. There's still stigma and discrimination so we're sharing some of the great work Mind do to raise awareness and offer help.  

Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most don't get the help needed and Mind are on a mission to change this.  Their goal is to fight for mental health.  For support, for respect, for everyone.

They change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority. By standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those with mental health problems.

They support minds – offering help whenever it might be needed through their information, advice and local services.

They connect minds. Bringing together an unstoppable network of individuals and communities – people who care about mental health to make a difference.



Here's how you can get help or help others.

- Ask someone how they are.  It's a simple one but the standard answer is often, 'I'm OK'.  Ask again and you may get a more honest reply.

- Ask how you can help.

- Be open minded 

- Show trust and respect

- Look after yourself

- Get support

The Mind website is a great source of information whether you would like to know more, find out about campaigning or learn more about volunteering, take a look. .