No Blue Monday here!

We're declaring CG HQ a NO Blue Monday zone, it's official.  Yes, Blue Monday has been called the most depressing day of the year due to a combination of post-Christmas blues and cold, drab weather but we have other ideas.  This year, it falls on Monday 15th January.  But, how did this Monday get it's name?  As soon as the Christmas celebrations are finished and the craziness of December parties and meet ups have ended, January is usually associated with cold, dark weather, long waits until pay day and often commitments to 'healthier' resolutions  after much indulgence.  

This is why, January can sometimes feel like a long and difficult month to get through and Monday the 15th is when they are said to hit the all time high often sparking feelings of sadness and general lack of motivation in many.

So, before we share some top tips for beating the Monday blues, we have a treat for anyone shopping on our website or in our Marylebone boutique.  A complimentary gift worth £10 for every customer plus the chance to win one of two £200 Golden Tickets - one will be placed randomly in an online order and one will be given away instore.  Could it be you?

Complimentary keyring with any purchase on Monday 15th January at or in our shop.

Here are our top tips for beating the blues.

1 - Move.  Even just a little bit.  Whether you do a 15 minute walk or an intense Spin class, physical activity has been proven to lift your mood and increase energy levels.  We love following @my.bodyfits for simple fun movement ideas whatever your fitness levels.  January is a great time to check out local gyms or leisure centres as they often have free trials and no joining fees.  What are you waiting for?

2 - You'll like this one.  Treat yourself.  Whether it's binge watching that series everyone is talking about, booking a mani, buying those boots that have been in your online basket for weeks or going to bed early with a good book, having something to look forward to and for you is a must.  You deserve it.

3 - Phone a friend.  Yes, just like they say on a certain quiz show, phone a friend.  If you're feeling a bit bleurgh, the chances are that others are too so call that someone special.  Friends and family can lift our moods in an instant.  Even better, meet up with them.  Being around loved ones has long been linked to good health so give it a go.

4 - Consider a SAD lamp.  SAD lamps were created to replace the light from the sunshine that we'd normally see in the summer. In the UK alone, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is said to affect around two million people. These clever mood-boosting lights could be just what you need to help you see the light.