6 creative uses for our kraft paper pots

Say hello to our latest obsession: kraft paper pots! From keeping your desk tidy to sprucing up your indoor plants, these pots are the ultimate multitaskers! Curious about all the ways you can incorporate them into your home? Here are 6 clever ideas...
1. Indoor Planters: Whether you're a seasoned plant parent (or just starting out) these will up your indoor gardening game. Use them as plant pots for small to medium-sized indoor plants. Breathable, durable, and finished with a touch of gold foil, these pots are a fun combo of style and functionality. 

2. Desk Organisers: Say goodbye to desk chaos! Perfect for pens, pencils, and all your office essentials, these pots keep your workspace looking sharp.

3. Makeup Brush Holders: Ideal for bathroom counters, these pots offer easy cleanup with their washable material, making them perfect for storing makeup brushes, and other cosmetics.

4. Kitchen Utensil Holders: From spatulas to spoons, keep your kitchen tools organised and within reach. Say hello to clutter-free countertops and goodbye to digging through drawers. The washable material ensures easy cleanup, and the gold foil adds a decorative element to your kitchen countertop. As these are breathable, you can also use them as veg or fruit storers!

5. Storage for Small Items: Keys, coins, jewellery – you name it! Keep them near your entrance, on a bedside table, or on a dresser for convenient access to your everyday essentials.

6. Eco Gift Packaging: Not only do they add a personal touch to your gift-giving, but they also serve as sustainable packaging that your loved ones can cherish long after the goodies are gone. It's the gift that keeps on giving!