Our Guide to Teacher Gifting

It’s that time again, the end of the school year which means teacher gifting. Whether it’s the talk of the school WhatsApp group or a personal gift you want to find, now’s the time to show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication over the past year; anyone who experienced home schooling during lockdown knows they deserve it! Read on to discover our top gifts for teachers...


something personalised

personalised gifts



The ultimate way to show you’ve put thought into a gift is to personalise it. Whether it’s a notepad with their initials in the corner, a notebook or keyring, you can’t go wrong.



book and glasses


If you know the teacher’s interests or hobbies, consider gifting them a book. It could be a popular novel, an autobiography or even a children’s book for their class library.


Gift cards



A gift card to a bookshop, coffee shop or restaurant allows them to treat themselves to something they enjoy outside of school.


handwritten cards or notes

teacher cards


Sometimes a heartfelt note expressing your gratitude and appreciation for their hard work can mean more than a physical gift, and maybe your little one can add their own little message.



card subscription


The joy of subscriptions is that they’re the gift that keeps on giving.  Whether it’s the Caroline Gardner monthly card subscription or their favourite magazine; remember, the most important aspect of teacher gifting is to acknowledge their hard work. It’s the thought and appreciation behind the gift that really matters.